Browser - Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+, and Firefox 3.6.x, 12.Browser - Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+, and Firefox 3.6.x, 12.0+.Operating System - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.Além disso, se a impressora for multifuncional e incluir um scanner, você pode.

Com ele, você pode controlar todos os tipos de impressoras e scanners vendidos por esta empresa, incluindo impressoras a laser e a jato de tinta. Download HP Support Assistant 9 Requires Windows 10 RS4 or higher. Cette application officielle permet de regrouper toutes les fonctionnalits de son imprimante et d'obtenir une configuration automatique afin de commencer trs rapidement ses numrisations, ses impressions et le partage de ses fichiers distance (ordinateur distant ou Cloud associ).
I would loooooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee this app. I see many short reviews that look as if they were written by people from companies that are rivals of HP. If it doesn’t work for you, then at least tell them why. And submitting them is waaaaaaaaaay too ezy when I scan them. I don’t have to MAKE my assignments and complete them for school, I can just easily print them. What is with the hate? How is printing/scanning this easy? My dad used a Brother printer when he went to work which used ink and he reportedly said it waaaaaaaay too hard, but then his boss ordered HP ink printers and he said they were ezy to use. Scanning is ezy(good job reforming after HP Easy Scan, which has an overall rating of 2 stars). I used this when I first got my first printer, an HP DeskJet 2732.